Tieteelliset julkaisut
R Cacciatore, E Korteniemi-Poikela,
R Kaltiala. The Steps of Sexuality—A Developmental,
Emotion-Focused, Child-Centered Model of Sexual Development and Sexuality
Education from Birth to Adulthood. International Journal of Sexual Health
2019. https://doi.org/10.1080/19317611.2019.1645783
R Cacciatore, S Ingman‑Friberg, L Lainiala, D Apter. Verbal and
Behavioral Expressions of Child Sexuality Among 1-6‑Year‑Olds as Observed by
Daycare Professionals in Finland. Archives of Sexual Behavior 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-020-01694-y
WHO:n julkaisussa:
World Health Organisation (WHO)
Regional Office for Europe and the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)
and the members of the European Expert Group on Sexuality Education. 2010.
"Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe. A framework for policy makers,
educational and health authorities and specialists." Cologne: BZgA. https://www.bzga-whocc.de/fileadmin/user_upload/WHO_BZgA_Standards_English.pdf
Training matters: A framework for core competencies of sexuality educators. p.42-3. Finland: sexuality education for children - participatory training for professionals dealing with 0-6-year -olds in day care and health services. WHO 2017 http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/337593/BZgA-training-framework.pdf
R Alatalo, D Apter: Interaction between
psycological, sexological and somatic adolescent development. First International Congress on Gynecological Endocrinology. Madonna di
Campiglio, Italy. s.46, 1986.
D Apter, R Cacciatore, E Hirvonen, U-H Stenman: Characteristics of
adolesent secondary amenorrhea. IX World Congress on Juvenile and Adolescent
Gynecology and Obstetrics. Bombay, India. s.33,
R Cacciatore, S Ingman-Friberg, V
Kuusela, U-M Aaltonen: Sexual education: a new wiew to handle with it. Fifth
Congress, International Association for Adolescent Health. Montreaux,
Swizerland. s.70,1991.
R Cacciatore, S Ingman-Friberg, D
Apter, F Almqvist: Identification of risk taking behavior in adolescent girls.
Tenth International Meeting of the International Society for STD Research. Helsinki, s. 391, 1993.
R Cacciatore, S Ingman-Friberg, D
Apter, F Almqvist: Nuorten tyttöjen riskikäyttäytymisen tunnistaminen.
Lääketiede -94, Helsinki, s.159, 1994.
D Apter, R
Cacciatore, O Haikala, A Rasimus: Nuorten raskauksien,
raskaudenkeskeytysten ja sukupuolitautien esiintyvyys nuorilla. Lääketiede 94, Helsinki, s.151, 1994.
R Cacciatore, S Ingman-Friberg, D
Apter, F Almqvist: Risk prone behaviour in adolescent girls. XI World Congress
of Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology. Singapore, s.133, 1995.
R. Cacciatore, S. Friberg, D. Apter,
F. Almqvist: How to recognize risk prone adolescent girls? North American Society for Pediatric and
Adolescent Gynecology Tenth Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 1996.
R. Cacciatore, S. Ingman-Friberg, D.
Apter: Psykosexuell utveckling hos flickor och identifiering av riskbetende.
Nordiska Kongressen för Studerandehäsovård, p. 22, Helsingfors 13-14.9.1996.
R Cacciatore. Risk taking behaviour
and adolescents. XII Wold Congress of Pediatric and
Adolescent Gynecology, MS.14, 1998.
R Cacciatore. Murrosiän myrskyjä ja muutoksia. Lääketiede 2007, Helsinki, s. 215. Luentolyhennelmä palkittiin Lääkäripäivien yhtenä kolmesta parhaana.
R Cacciatore, S. Ingman-Friberg & D. Apter. 'The need of day-care professionals to respond to children's questions and behavior on topics of sexuality - a study building on the WHO Standards of Sexuality'. ICRH Conference on 'Sexual and reproductive health and rights today and tomorrow' 2014 Ghent, Belgium.
S. Ingman-Friberg, R Cacciatore & D. Apter. 'Professionals' thoughts on sexuality education for small children'. ICRH Conference on 'Sexual and reproductive health and rights today and tomorrow' 2014 Ghent, Belgium.
R Cacciatore, S Ingman-Friberg, D Apter & N Sajaniemi. Should we label it differently? 'Sexuality education' as a problematic term when referring to children. International scientific conference on sexuality education in early childhood 2015, Lucerne, Switzerland.
S Ingman-Friberg, P Stenbäck & R Cacciatore. Sexual health in picture books for small children. International scientific conference on sexuality education in early childhood 2015, Lucerne, Switzerland.
R Cacciatore, D Apter & K Lankinen. Centre
for Children's Sexual Health. International scientific conference on sexuality
education in early childhood 2015, Lucerne, Switzerland.
R Cacciatore. Supporting and protecting sexual development in early childhood. Thematic Seminar on Sexuality Education in Latvia: To identify myths about education and to develop solutions that promote critical thinking. 19th of Jan 2016, Riga. (Tiedotuksellinen keskustelu- ja mediaseminaari)
R Cacciatore. Research, trends, agreements and practices of young children's sexuality education in Finland. SE:LFIE - Sexuality Education: Lessons Learned and Future Developments in the WHO European Region, Berlin 15th - 16th of May 2017, Germany.
R Cacciatore. Can alternative words for describing childhood sexuality cut down common resistance? EURAPAG 2017, 14th European Congress of Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology. 7th-10th June Vilnus, Lithuania.
R Cacciatore. Age appropriate sexuality education. The annual Conference of ENOC, the federation of European Ombudsmen for Children, 19th-21th Sept. 2017, Finland. http://enoc.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/enoc_booklet2017.pdf
R Cacciatore. Age-appropriate sexuality education. CSE around the world, Best practices. IPPF Global Conference on Comprehensive Sexuality Education. 12th-13th Dec 2017, Oslo, Norway.
R Cacciatore, S Ingman-Friberg, D Apter. Simply about sex. BZgA and WHO Regional Office for Europe. Expert workshop on sexuality education of (young) people with disabilities. 22-23th February 2018, Cologne, Germany.
R Cacciatore. Finland as good-practice example of health education teacher trainings at University and Väestöliitto's programme for kindergarten educators. WHO/BzGA Workshop on training of sexuality educators in Europe. Fostering the development and implementation of high-quality training for sexuality educators in the WHO European Region. 18-22th February 2019 Bonn, Germany.
R Cacciatore. Age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality
education for children in Finland: Delivery, advocacy and building support. Shaping a healthy environment fit for
children. Coface families Europe. 3-4th October 2019, Helsinki, Finland.